How To Check Your Tire Tread With A Quarter 

Posted Saturday, Jul 23, 2022


What Is The Quarter Tire Test?

Eventually, every driver needs to get their tires replaced. While some drivers will need replacements due to old tire age, the majority of drivers will need to make sure their tires are still safe to drive by frequently checking their tire tread. Luckily, you don’t need a mechanic to tell you whether or not you are low on tread. Learn how to check your tire tread with a quarter here at NB Motors!

Quarter Test

You may have heard of the good old penny test. While the premise is the same, the penny test is outdated and isn’t very accurate due to the coin’s tiny size. To ensure that your tire tread is still at a safe level, it’s highly recommended that you do the quarter test instead. If you don’t know how to do this easy test, follow the instructions below.

To begin, find a quarter and go to the tire you wish to check. Face Washington’s head towards you and insert it into the tread so that his head is upside down. From the edge of the coin to the president’s head is 1/8th of an inch, which is considered the minimum amount of tread you need for your tire. If you can see the top of the head, you will need new tires right away. If his head is still covered, you got some time yet. However, if the tread is getting close to the top of his head, you should consider shopping for new tires soon. Repeat this process for all four of your tires so you know which tires, if any, need replacing.

Of course, if you don’t drive frequently, make sure to always replace your tires every five years or less as the rubber will lose its elasticity over time. It’s recommended that you keep receipts of your tire purchases so you can track when you bought your tires last.

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